Friday, March 21, 2014


It's been over a year since I've written in this blog.

I'm going to try to give it more attention. 

I don't think anyone's reading at this point, so it might be like talking to myself.

So, be it.

I was reading one of my old Livejournal entries this morning, and someone made a comment I found to be inspiring.  It was along the lines of don't give up because you have no audience now. Your work might be appreciated in the future.

Anyway, I'm going to continue to use this blog to talk about my TV shows, books, and other forms of fiction.

I'm also going to use it to talk about my writing. Actually, that might be the main purpose at this point.

A week ago I finished writing a novel.

It's not my first.  I wrote over five novels in high school.  It's sad I lost count.  Then I wrote two or three in my young adult years.

The last time I wrote a full novel from scratch was in about 1999 or 2000!  That's a long time ago.

Then I rewrote an old novel in 2006, which is also a long time ago.

Since then I've worked on a few other projects.

Mostly I've been blogging.  But lately I haven't even been doing that.

Now I'm back to blogging, have finished writing a novel, and plan to maybe write more.

I have more to say, but I think I'll break this up into multiple posts.

The things I want to talk about....

1. Why I wrote a novel

2. Why I'm happy I wrote a novel

3. Why I wish I didn't write a novel

4. My inner turmoil over whether I should self-publish or get an agent

5. My personal feelings and experiences with character profiles

6. My aversion to networking and promotion

7. My struggle to figure out my novel's genre

8. My hesitation in finding beta readers
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