Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Thoughts on The Future of Us (SPOILER WARNING)

I finished reading The Future of Us last night.

Though I was intrigued by the premise, the book itself failed to impress me. 

The premise: A teenage girl (Emma) puts American Online on her computer in 1996. Somehow that connects her to Facebook.  She, and her friend Josh, can see Facebook updates from their future selves and their friends.

Josh and Emma have been best friends for most of their life.  Then Josh develops feelings for Emma.  She doesn't have the same feelings for him.  He makes his move.  She rejects him. Their friendship goes sour.

But now they have this Facebook thing.  Oh...because the AOL disk belonged to Josh's family originally. He had it and gave it to Emma. I forgot why.

Through future Facebook, Josh learns he somehow ends up with the hot girl (Sydney) at school ...someone way out of his league. They have twin kids.  He lives in a big house by the lake.  He and his beautiful wife go on luxury vacations. Josh is quite satisfied with what he sees.

Emma, on the other hand, doesn't like her future life. She's unemployed and her husband has been gone for three days instead of the one he promised.

She soon learns though that every action she takes now...every decision she makes changes the future.
So she keeps trying to change her future husbands.   

I guess that's the basic idea of the book.  The little things we do now effect the future.  It makes sense and I like that.

What I didn't like is the romance story.  (Warning again...spoilers below)

Knowing he's supposed to end up with Sydney gives Josh the inspiration to talk to her.  Or actually...maybe he just looks at her?  Makes eye contact.  I forget.  But he also speaks up in class in defense of her views on sex.  This gets her attention, and soon it seems she wants to date him.

Meanwhile, Emma starts becoming jealous.  At first it's probably because he's happy and she's not.  Then after her big crush ends up being a jerk, she suddenly wants Josh....who she had rejected months before.

Despite the fact that he's supposed to end up with Sydney and she's the hottest girl in school, Josh realizes he doesn't have feelings for her.  He still wants Emma.  That's all very sweet.  How could I not like that?  Guy prefers his best friend over the hot girl.  It's classic romance.

But I'm left with a question.

Why did the future have Sydney and Josh together in the first place? What made her like him?  What made him choose her over Emma?

I was going to say maybe Facebook ruined things. Maybe without the Facebook crystal ball, Josh would have gotten together with Sydney much later...when he was over Emma.  But then the whole idea is that every little thing changes the future.  So as soon as they first saw Facebook on the computer, the relationship between Josh and Sydney should have disappeared.  

It's all confusing.

I think I'd be happier with the book if Emma and Josh didn't get together in the end. It seems she fell for Josh for all the wrong reasons. She's disillusioned by her previous crush, and people are often more appealing once you know someone else is attracted to them. Because of Emma's future-meddling and desire to have what she once rejected, Josh loses his happy marriage, his wife, his future children, and his nice house.  
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