Thursday, March 27, 2014

Blitz Survival Games

My son Jack and I are both huge Minecraft fans. I joked with him that maybe I should start yet another blog...just for Minecraft.  But then I decided it fits fine here, because Minecraft's a fictional world.

I usually play Minecraft alone in what's called Single Player. I play survivor mode which means I have to search for the materials I need to build shelter, stay nourished, and fight monsters. I had one world for a long time and usually stayed in the same area.  I built a neighborhood with houses made out of multicolored wool. 

Then I eventually decided to create a new world. In this one, I'm nomadic. Every day I walk for at least two minutes and then build a new house.  My rule is I can't build in the same type of biome I built in the day before. So for example, yesterday I built a house in the desert and today I built a house in the savannah.  

I quit the game, for the day, after I've grown six units of wheat, which will create two loaves of bread.

It all sounds a bit boring.  I sound like an old lady, which I kind of am in the world of Minecraft.  I think most players are much younger than me.  I think it would be cool though if there was some type of club for old people playing Minecraft.


Now Jack has gotten me into these multiplayer Hunger Games inspired games called Blitz Survival Games.  It's just like the book and movie. You have to stand on these things until they let you move.  Then you can either run for the goodies in the chest or run and hide.

I'm very good at the running and hiding. I'm horrible at the fighting. I've had only three kills, and one of those was Jack letting me kill him.

I had a weird thing happen in the last game.  Like a lot of video games, you get hearts.  And each time you're injured, you lose hearts.  In Minecraft you get one row of hearts.  I'm not sure how many that is.

Okay.  I'll look it up.

Answer: 10.

So the last time I played I had 20 hearts for some weird reason.  Also, you get one freebie set with every game.  Something to help you with the quest to kill and survive.  I chose the sword package.  Instead of getting that, I got an impressive amount of armor.

It's like I was suddenly blessed or something.

Didn't matter though.  I still died.

I took that as a sign that I should quit.  If you get all these freebies (for no apparent) reason and you still get killed, it kind of looks like you're hopeless.

But then I remember my motto lately is Don't Give Up!  So I'm going to get my ass back in there, and probably get re-murdered.   That's fine though.

Here's a video of Jack playing the game.  I'm impressed with his skills.

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