Friday, March 21, 2014


One problem I'm having with my novel is I can't figure out the genre.

And from what I've been reading, it seems it's important to know this.

For example, I looked at a critiquing site and you're supposed to pick a genre. My novel doesn't seem to fit anywhere.

Here's what I know so far.

It's not young adult literature; nor is it a middle reader.

It has some three main characters that are in their twenties, but it has characters of a variety of ages, so it's not new adult literature.

Some of the main characters are male, so I don't think it could be classified as women's literature.

It's not historical.

It's supernatural, but I associate supernatural novels with werewolves, vampires, angels, and witches.  I don't have any of that.

I have ghosts.  I think that would fit under paranormal fiction.  But it seems most paranormal fiction is romantic.  My novel has a little bit of romance, but it's definitely not central to the story.

It might be horror, because there is something dark and evil in the story. But there's so much in the story that's not horror.

At our library, we don't have a horror section.  Stephen King, zombies, and killer ants are housed with the general fiction.  My book would fit fine there.

But then at Half Price books, they do have a horror section.  I wouldn't know if my book would belong there or in general fiction.

My novel is one of those that has a lot of characters and storylines.  Some are very much affected by the horror of the novel.  Others are very mildly affected and their drama comes from more interpersonal conflict.

I think that's the thing.  There's horror in my novel, but the majority of the conflict comes from normal human drama.  

It's kind of like the whole premise of The Walking Dead...there are zombies, but what's really dangerous is other people. 

Maybe the closest thing to my novel would be Lost.  There's paranormal type stuff, but at the heart it's about people.

If Lost was a book, what would the genre be?

There might also be some Stephen King elements.  I'm not trying to compare myself to Stephen King.  But in comparing genres....that might fit.  His books are horror, but there's much more to it than that.

Maybe when I read the first draft, I'll get a better idea of things.

Hopefully I won't conclude that it belongs in the genre called "Pure Crap".

Update:  I figured out my genre.  It's paranormal fiction.   I feel good knowing that. I'm less confused now.  

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