Monday, March 24, 2014

Social Media Failure

A few weeks ago I had this idea:  Become popular on Twitter, and then I will have a group of people excited to read my book and/or watch any videos I make.  Maybe it's not about making something good, then having people find you.  Maybe it's about having people know you; then they'll be interested in checking out what you've done.

Now I'm thinking I was wrong.  I'm having a huge lack of success on Twitter.

My idea was to reach out to people, and then they'd reach back. 

So far it's been mostly about me reaching out and not getting much back.

I've been replying to people's Tweets.  Usually, I'm simply ignored or maybe not seen.  Sometimes people reply, but it hasn't often led to what I hoped would happen....them deciding to follow me back.

It's not all bad.  One good thing is I have a friend on Twitter.  We've lost touch this last year or so.  Now that I'm on Twitter, I feel we're talking more.  I'm grateful for that.

Besides that though, it feels like a lost cause.

Today I unfollowed most of the people not following me back.  I also went ahead and followed the handful of people who have been following me without me reciprocating.  Now I can see though that there was a reason for my lack of reciprocation.   I just checked my "new and improved" Twitter feed, and got a bunch of dieting advertisements.  So I had to re-unfollow them. 

A part of me feels I'm giving up too easily.  I should keep following the people not following me, and maybe one day they'll decide to let me in.  But then the other part of me is thinking I'm wasting my time paying attention to them when I could be paying attention to people who will pay attention to me back.  I can only keep up with so many people without sacrificing all my time to Twitter. 

So, Twitter's not going well.

Then there's Blogging.

No one's reading my posts. I'm talking to myself here.

 In some perverse way, I kind of like it.

And I hoped/thought that people would be happy to see me returned to my Australia blog.  That's not happening.

I imagine maybe in the future this post will be found.

What would be awesome is if my book sells well, I become slightly famous, and people find this post.  

Then it could be a happy inspiring thing.  Look! She felt invisible...but now she's doing great.

The problem is I'm not sure how to sell my book if no one is paying attention.

I see there are websites to help self-published authors, but I don't know if I'll be accepted into their fold or whether or not the sites will actually help.

It's kind of a Catch-22 situation.  I can't get popular without doing something that really impresses people.  And I can't get people to notice my work if I'm not popular.  

Either way.  I've promised myself I'm not going to give up no matter how rejected and invisible I feel.  I'm not going to do what I usually do when I feel this way...retreat and hide.

I'm going to keep reaching out.  I'm going to keep trying to find people who are as interested in me as I'm in them.

I'm going to hope that I've written a good book that will become a fantastic book after I do some editing.  I'm going to hope that people find the book, read it, and suggest other people read it. 

I might fail, and that really sucks.  But in the end, it's probably better than giving up.  

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