Monday, March 31, 2014

The Season Finale of The Walking Dead (Spoiler Warning)

We just finished watching the last episode of season four of The Walking Dead.

I liked it, but I didn't love it.

Tim liked the last line. Or maybe he just liked the ending.

I was less impressed.  

They're screwing with the wrong people.

Yes, Rick and his gang are bad ass. Hours before saying that line, Rick killed someone...not with his bare hands, but his bare teeth.   

But I think all survivors left in that world are bad ass.  I think most of us are in agreement that the "they're" he's referring to our cannibals.  So Rick and his gang....well, maybe THEY'RE the ones screwing with the wrong people.

I'm not sure how I feel about the flashbacks of the episode. I suppose they might have added some poignancy.  But I kind of get the feeling the writers were struggling to come up with enough content to fill up a 44 minute episode, and the flashback segments were their solution.   

I just don't know if it was needed, otherwise.  We already know that Rick started a garden, and I don't think it's a huge surprise that Hershel had to talk him into it. There was no big revelations in the flashbacks, except maybe the fact that Phineas enjoyed playing with Legos, back before he got sick. If he survived, maybe he could have built something really cool.  

Back to the bare teeth thing.  I thought that was awesome, and I don't judge Rick.  It was a brilliant and courageous move.  If I'm ever in a situation where I can use my teeth to kill those threatening people I love, I hope I can do it. I see the scene as sort of foreshadowing the Terminus thing.  If the Terminus people are cannibals, they bite human flesh.  And look, Rick has something in common with them.  He bites human flesh too!

Then there's the talk about hunger, and the remark about how most of their conversation involves food. They're starving and food's scarce.  The cannibals are hungry too. They've come up with a solution.  

Oh, and then there's the whole thing about monsters. People are doing crazy and violent things during this apocalypse.  Bonds are being formed...strong ones. And we see that people will do about anything to protect those in their own personal family circle.

I guess the question is this.  If the only way Rick could keep his post-apocalyptic family alive was to kidnap and eat strangers, would he do it?   
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