Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I Have a Cover

Jack made a cover for my book!

Actually, he made four covers, because despite my love, I did have a few edit requests.

I do love the cover though. It makes me very excited about publishing my book.

Yesterday I was less excited, because I was reading about the whole formatting thing, and it all looks very intimidating. It took me over an hour to figure out margins and indentations.

I think I got most of it figured out.

I have a cover.

Now I just need something to put inside the cover!  I need to write this book!

No, I'm joking.  The book's already least the first draft. I have to edit. I'll start that in a week or so.

Here's my editing plan.

1.  Transfer novel from Text Edit to Google Docs.

2. Read through novel quickly, fixing only spelling errors and typos.  Highlight things I want to change.

3. Go back and make changes.

4.  Go back again and work on formatting. For example, I have to fix all my sentences because I space twice after periods. I learned recently that you're not supposed to do this. It's going to be a pain in the ass to fix that, and it's a pain in the ass trying to break the habit!

5. Read whole novel out loud. I've read that this is supposed to help you catch errors.

6. Read whole novel out loud backwards.  I wish I remembered where I read this suggestion, but it's another way to catch errors. You don't read word by word backwards, but paragraph by paragraph.

7. use "Find to look at words such as "they're" "their" "their" "too" "two" "to" and make sure I have the right ones in the right places.

8. Try to find beta readers.  I've been lurking for the past week or so on this Goodreads group for Beta Readers and writers.  They seem like a helpful and supportive bunch.  

Hopefully, someone will want to read the book. If not, I'll take that as a very bad sign.

What I'd like is to get a few beta readers, because that will give me a better idea of whether or not I should change things.

It's hard for me when one person's judging. Right now, Tim's been reading the novel. His thing is to read two chapters a day. Then he tells me which one he prefers. He seems to consistently like certain storylines less. I'm tempted to think I've failed with these particular characters.  I really need to learn to take one person's opinion with a grain of salt.  Now if four people say they're not big fans of these storylines, and no one counteracts that opinion, I might need to make some major changes.  

Anyway, eventually after all this editing, some major self-esteem sinking, and near nervous breakdowns, I'll put the novel up on Kindle.
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